
book reviews

  • The Book Review Directory

    Neroptesean is a most unusual book that serves as a testament to the Author’s elaborate and immersive imagination. 

    In her prologue, Kate Barny advises that the idea for Neroptesean came to her while sleeping and, consequently, the story has a nebulous, dreamscape quality throughout.

    For fans of avant-garde science fiction, Neroptesean-The Water Traveler is a unique treat.

    Visionary, fascinating, and unconventional, Kate Barny absorbs the reader into the intricate workings and enthusiasm of her vision through a literary portal of ingenuity and originality.

  • The Prairies Book Review

    Barny is an expert storyteller.

    Readers will feel the excitement as they dive into a captivating story that combines elements of hard SF, dystopia, and suspense while highlighting the power of friendship and human connection.

    The book skillfully examines the underpinnings of its setting and the ways humanity remains strong in the face of pressure, matching up well with the backdrop of a decaying civilization.
    A swiftly paced, solid tale.

    creative writing

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