
fearing theagents

Dealing With The Ultimate Fear

Well, it’s not easy nor funny to face one’s fears even more when dealing with the fear of rejection!
“No one understands the pain of rejection better than a first-time novelist looking for an agent.” – Ken Pisani –

Publishing agents are the greatest fear for a debutant writer; trust me, I know, I’m there – doing that. Every day, I check my emails, hoping for feedback, regardless of negative or positive; anything but silence would do.
When no response comes from them, it’s utterly demoralizing because it could only mean one thing – the one you refuse to believe: you’re probably unworthy of their time. Not even an automated, generic answer? Some may be lucky to receive a personalized rejection, even a short critique that could help you revise one’s writing weaknesses.

Others get the typical rejection form of Query Tracker: “…we weren’t able to connect with the manuscript as much as we had hoped in order to fully champion the project.” Or “we wish you the best of luck finding an agent who will represent your work!”, as well, “unfortunately, I’ve determined that I am not the appropriate agent to represent this material.”

I found an optimistically interesting and self-sarcastic – the story of my writer’s life – article while pasting my 5-pages-manuscript on the Query Tracker platform, browsing from one Agency’s website to another, looking for the representatives of my genre. Debutant and non-English-native speaker is not a quality, quite the opposite for the literary industry … a nightmare to defy while keeping hope.
My sole consolation – thanks to internet technology – is self-publishing. Hooray, Amazon KDP, as it nurtures the dream of the little writer residing within.

Should we bypass the relentless rejection stage and do it differently? Sure, but for some unexplained reason, their acknowledgment feels necessary to mark us as authors with something unique to tell and, therefore, worthy of being read.

And here we are, knocking on their doors that seem so hermetically closed to the debutant writers as the lack of publishing background can’t guarantee their investment. However, we still hope for the bold one who will take the risk to open his door to us. 

Ken Pisani, a TV writer, humored the quest’s difficulty (find an agent for his debut novel) with his amusing but so-true article, describing how “Trying To Find a Literary Agent Is the Worst Thing Ever.” Read the original article in the Publishers Weekly magazine.